Frequently Asked Questions

Is your question not listed below? Please refer to the pages listed under the Info nav and/or download the entry guide.



Do I need to make a new account?
No, you will not need to make a new account if you have entered before. If you already have a One Club or One Show account, sign in with your email and password to create your entries.
If you are new to The One Show, you can easily create an account which will allow you to enter.

Do I have to be a One Club member to enter?
No. You do not have to be a member of The One Club to enter. However, we always recommend the benefits of One Club membership! For more details on membership, click here.

How do students enter The One Show?
The One Show is for professionals only, but we encourage students to enter the Young Ones Student Awards. Click here for more details.


How do I enter?
If you already have a One Club or One Show account, sign in with your email and password to create your entries.
If you are new to The One Show, you can easily create an account which will allow you to enter.

Are physical entries accepted?
The Design discipline is accepting physical entries this year in select categories. Entries into all other categories must be submitted digitally.
See more questions about submission requirements.

What is the deadline for entries?
The One Show has different submission periods. To view the different deadlines, click here.

What are the categories?
The One Show categories vary by Discipline. Click here to view all Disciplines.

Can I edit or add credits after I have completed checkout and closed my entries?
Yes. Credits are not used for judging, and they can still be edited on closed entries.
NOTE: A Primary credit is required for all entries. Judging is anonymous, so the jury will not see this.

Can I edit my Entry Title or Client/Brand after I have completed checkout and closed my entries?
No. You will not be able to edit your Entry Title or Client/Brand on the entry details section for closed entries. If you need to make a change, please email Be sure to include the Entry ID number in your email.

Can I supply or edit my judging media after I have completed checkout and closed my entries?
No. The entry system will not allow you to close your entries until you have added the required media.
NOTE: Judging and Supporting media cannot be edited after an entry has been submitted. Requests sent to The One Show team cannot be guaranteed and may incur additional fees.

Can I delete my entries after I have completed checkout and closed them?
No, you will not be able to delete your entries once you have completed checkout and closed them.
NOTE: All entry fees are non-refundable and non-transferable. By submitting entries into the competition, entrants are committing to pay for all entry fees in full.

Can I duplicate my entries or do I need to create each entry separately?
On an entry in your Open/Draft or Closed/Submitted list, click the CREATE COPY button to duplicate that entry into another category or categories.
NOTE: You may be required to make adjustments to the new entry if it does not fit the new category's requirements.

Can I duplicate my entries into the ADC Awards?
Yes! As a partner awards competition within The One Club for Creativity, you can create an entry in either The One Show or ADC Awards entry system and then create a duplicate copy in the other competition.
Email with a list of the entries (by Entry ID) that you'd like to duplicate. Please note that it may take up to 48 hours to appear in your Open/Draft list in the second entry system.
NOTE: After the entries appear in your account in the new entry system, you will need to:
Select the category for the new entry
Make adjustments to information and/or media that does not fit the new category's requirements
Proceed to checkout in both competition systems
NOTE: Once duplicated, each entry must be edited in each system separately.
Learn more about cloning entries into ADC Awards.

What can I continue editing on my entry after I submit?
Reference the chart below to see which parts of an entry will be locked and when.
Draft / Open
Submitted / Closed
Prepared for
Finalist Entry
To Confirm
Finalist Entry
Entry Details unlocked locked locked locked locked
Media – Judging unlocked locked locked locked locked
Media – Supporting unlocked locked locked locked locked
Media – Reference Images unlocked unlocked locked locked locked
Media – Archive n/a n/a n/a unlocked locked
Information unlocked unlocked locked unlocked locked
Credits unlocked unlocked unlocked unlocked locked
Entry Showcase Opt-In unlocked unlocked unlocked n/a n/a

NOTE: Judging and Supporting media cannot be edited after an entry has been submitted. Requests sent to The One Show team cannot be guaranteed and may incur additional fees.
NOTE: Entries are prepared for judging in the order they are received, typically within 1-2 business days. 
NOTE: The media displayed in the One Club Archive can be confirmed or replaced for Finalist (winning) entries after Finalists are notified.
NOTE: After Finalists (winners) are notified, the Entry Showcase will no longer be public.

Submission Requirements

Can I send in physical items for judging?
The Design discipline is accepting physical entries this year in select categories. Entries into all other categories must be submitted digitally.

Will my physical materials be returned?
Physical items submitted cannot be returned due to the logistics of physical judging and shipping.

Where can I find labels for my physical entries?
Entry labels can be generated and printed for both Open/Draft and Closed/Submitted entries for which you have selected to submit as a physical item.
  • Open/Draft individual entries:
    You can find an individual entry label directly in the "Media" section on that entry.
  • Closed/Submitted individual entries:
    You can find individual entry label(s) on each entry on the Closed/Submitted Entries list in the Media Submitted column.
  • A full set of labels from a single invoice:
    You can find a full set of entry labels and a mailing label on your Invoices page.
    Please note that the mailing label should be attached to the outside of your package in addition to any shipping labels necessary as provided by your shipping company.
For more information on submitting physical entries, click here.

What media is accepted?
Each category accepts different media. Click here to view the Discipline categories and their submission media requirements.
Click here to view details on file specifications for different media types.

What information is needed to create an entry?
All One Show entries require the following information on the project, regardless of category. Individual categories may have additional requirements.
General Project Information:
  • Entry Title: Provide the name of the project, or the campaign name.
    NOTE: Do not put the category into the Entry Title.
  • Client / Brand: Who is the client on the project and/or what brand is it promoting?
  • Single or Series: Choose from: Single (1), Series (2+). Required only for categories that allow both Single and Series entries.
  • Client Type: Choose from: Consumer / Brand, Business to Business, Corporate Social Responsibility, Non-Profit
  • Vertical Market: The specific industry to which your promoted product or service relates. Click here to view the full list of available Vertical Markets.
  • Launch Date: The month and year in which the work first ran, aired, was published, etc.
  • Background: Describe the challenge presented, problem being addressed, cultural background, or other key components to the initial brief. (max 300 words)
  • Creative Idea: A summary of the creative idea behind the work. (max 300 words)
  • Insights & Strategy: The insights and strategy that informed the final work and its intended purpose. (max 300 words)
  • Execution: Explain critical elements of the final execution of the work including craft, placement, tone, and other specific aspects of the creation and implementation of the work. (max 300 words)
  • Results: The results or outcome of the work such as reach, response, engagement, sales, awareness, etc. (max 300 words)

Do I need to provide an English translation for my entry?
Yes. English translations are required for all work in another language.
  • Image and Audio Media: For entries in a language other than English, please provide an English translation in the "Judging Description / Translation" field with your individual media.
  • Video Media: For video entries in a language other than English, please provide English subtitles in the video or a translation in the "Judging Description / Translation" field with your individual media.
  • PDF Media: All PDF entries must be submitted in English.
  • URL Media: For URL entries in a language other than English, use the "Judging Description / Translation" field with your individual media to provide any necessary instructions in English.
  • Physical Materials: For all physical entries in a language other than English, use the "English Translation" field in the Information section on the entry.

Entry Fees

How much does it cost to enter?
There is a fee for each entry that you submit. These fees vary by category.
To view a summary of all fees, click here.
To view the different Discipline categories, click here.
NOTE: All fees listed are in U.S. Dollars (USD).

Is there a registration fee?
There is no registration fee to create an account.

Are there additional fees if I win?
There are no additional fees for entries winning a One Show Pencil, Merit, or Special Award. If you would like to purchase additional Pencil trophies, please visit The One Club Store.

Where do my entry fees go?
The One Club for Creativity is a non-profit organization. All entry fees from The One Show go towards The One Club for Creativity's education, gender equality, diversity and inclusion, and professional development intiatives. Learn more.


Is my entry eligible to be entered?
Click here to see if your entry meets One Show guidelines.

My spot only ran once. Is it eligible?
Yes. Your spot is eligible.

Are there any rules or regulations for submitting entries?
Yes. Click here to see the rules, regulations, and submission restrictions for entry.
NOTE: Not complying with the rules and regulations will result in your entries being disqualified from the competition.

How does The One Club define a fake ad?
The One Club defines "fake ads" as: Ads created for nonexistent clients, ads made to run without a client's approval, and ads created expressly for award shows that are run once to meet the requirements of a tear sheet.

What are the penalties of entering a fake ad?
  • An agency, the regional office of an agency network, or the independent agency that enters an ad made for nonexistent clients, or made and run without a client's approval, will be banned from entering The One Show for 5 years.
  • The team credited on the fake ad will be banned from entering The One Show for 5 years.
  • An agency, the regional office of an agency network, or the independent agency that enters an ad that has run once, on late night television, or has only run because the agency produced a single ad and paid to run it themselves, will be banned from entering The One Show for 3 years.
    NOTE: The One Club reserves the right to review 'late-night, ran-once' and launch versions, at The One Club's discretion. If it is determined that the ad was created expressly for award show entry, the penalty will hold.


How can I pay for my entries?
We accept payments by all major credit cards, check or via wire transfer. Credit card payments are subject to a 3% processing fee. Wire transfer payments are subject to a $35 USD processing fee.
NOTE: All payments must reach The One Club within 15 days of the invoice date.
For any payment questions, please contact

Who should the check be made out to?
Please make sure all checks are made payable to: The One Club for Creativity, Inc.

How do I add my Tax ID or VAT number to my invoice?
Your Tax ID or VAT number can be added under the Account Holder section of your account details. Once added to your account, this number will then automatically appear on your invoice(s) after Checkout.
NOTE: The billing details can be edited for any invoice on the Invoices section of your account.

How do I add a PO number to my invoice?
Once you have the PO number for your invoice, go to the Invoices section of your account and click the pencil icon to the right of the invoice documents. The PO number can be added to the Memo field on the invoice.

Do you accept payment in foreign currency?
No. All payments must be made in U.S. Dollars (USD).

How will I know if my credit card payment went through?
After entering your card details and clicking the "pay now" button, you will be taken to a "thank you" screen where you can download a copy of your invoice.

What should I do if my credit card payment is declined?
You may need to get the charge pre-approved with your card provider. Detailed instructions on steps to re-submit your payment can be found on the Payment page.

Can I receive a refund for my entry fees?
No. All entry fees are non-refundable and non-transferable. By submitting entries into the competition, entrants are committing to pay for all entry fees in full.

Can I pay now and complete my entries later?
No. Entries are submitted in full when you proceed to payment. Some elements of an entry can continue to be edited, as illustrated here.

Entry Showcase

What is the Entry Showcase? Is it required?
The Entry Showcase is an option for entrants to publicly share their submissions on the One Show entry site. Click here to see the showcase.
NOTE: Sharing entries in the showcase is NOT required.

Will my entry be judged from the Entry Showcase?
No. Entries are NOT judged from the showcase.

Why is my entry not appearing in the Entry Showcase?
Only closed entries that you have selected to share will appear in the showcase. Make sure you have selected "Yes" under the prompt that reads "Include in Showcase?" on your entry.


How are entries being judged this year?
All work will be judged by our esteemed international juries. Work that has advanced past First Round will be judged in Second Round, then advance into Final Discussion Round.

Will there be any in-person judging this year?
Many of our juries will be meeting in person for Second Round judging and discussion. Several of our juries will be judging online and gather via virtual discussions.

When does judging take place?
First Round judging: mid January – early March, 2025
Physical entries in the Design discipline will be judged in early April
Second Round and Final Discussions: mid March – early April 2025

When are winners announced?
All Finalists (winners) will be notified by email after judging is completed in late April. Notifications will be sent to the primary email address associated with your account. Please be sure to keep this information up to date.
NOTE: Notifications will be sent only to those selected as Finalists.

What do I receive if I win?
Finalists are awarded either a Gold Pencil, a Silver Pencil, a Bronze Pencil, or a Merit Award.
NOTE: One (1) complimentary Pencil trophy is provided per Pencil win.


What is the budget for the "Low Budget" categories?
We do not have a set minimum or limit for a project to be considered Low Budget. This amount will depend on many factors such as the brand, its reach, geographic location, economic situation, and/or the specific assets produced. For this reason, we encourage entrants to be very descriptive of how their budget was used and why they consider it a low budget given all the circumstances stated.