Experiential & Immersive

Experiential & Immersive recognizes temporary or permanent brand experiences utilizing physical and/or digital environments to connect people to a brand.

View 2023 winners

Project must have launched between January 1, 2023 - March 1, 2024.

All One Show entries require both information on the project and media.
Below is the information that is required for all entries, regardless of category. Refer to the individual categories for additional requirements.
NOTE: Entry information should not contain agency details, as judging is anonymous; this does not apply to self promotion work.
NOTE: Do NOT use all capital letters when providing information.

  • Entry Title: Give your entry a name. The jury will see this, it will be used to reference your entry, and it will show in the online Archives for winning work.
  • Client / Brand: Who was the client on the project?
  • Client Type: Choose from: Consumer / Brand, Business to Business, Corporate Social Responsibility, Non-Profit
  • Vertical Market: The specific industry to which the product or service relates. See the full list of options here.
  • Launch Date: The month and year in which the work first ran, aired, was published, etc.
  • Entry Description: Describe your project in 300 words or less; the jury will see this. (optional, but highly recommended)
    NOTE: Some categories require additional written information and context. See individual categories for details.
  • Translation to English: Required for all entries which are not originally in English.
    NOTE: Video entries should include subtitles when possible.
Each category accepts specific media types. For general file specifications, view the Submission Media page.
Media can be attached to your entry after your category is selected. Click the View Submission Requirements button on a category below for details.

Digital media will be saved into your account. Identical media will not need to be added more than once as it can be attached to entries from your Manage Media list.

  • Judging Media: The primary material and content that the jury will be judging.
  • Supporting Media: Secondary material and content that the jury may review at their discretion.

  • ALL entries require high res digital reference images. These images will not be judged. However, they may be used by The One Show for promotional purposes.

  • Every entry requires a thumbnail image. The jury will see this for reference only, it will not be judged.
A Primary Credit is the only credit required to submit an entry.
NOTE: Credits do not need to be completed in order to submit entries. Credits may be added to a closed entry after it has been completed and judged.

Credits will be saved into your account. Identical credits will not need to be added more than once as they can be attached to entries from your Manage Credits list.

Company credits each require the following:
  • Company Name
  • Company City
  • Company Type is to be selected from the list provided.
    NOTE: "Other" can be selected, but will not be ranked.

Individual credits each require the following:
  • First Name
  • Last Name
  • Title is to be selected from the list provided.
    NOTE: "Other" can be selected, but will not be ranked.
  • Company / Company City is the company that this individual is associated with (optional)


Experiential & Immersive

EX_01: Events - In-Person
Final Deadline Fee: $900.00

A single (1) or series (2-5) of in-person events, competitions, stunts, or other social gatherings centered around a brand, product, message, or service. Includes guerrilla marketing.

EX_02: Events - Virtual
Final Deadline Fee: $900.00

A single (1) or series (2-5) of livestreamed or pre-recorded online community events or competitions centered around a brand, product, message, or service.

EX_03: Events - Hybrid
Final Deadline Fee: $900.00

A single (1) or series (2-5) of livestreamed or pre-recorded online community events or competitions centered around a brand, product, message, or service that seamlessly combines in-person and virtual elements.
Experiential & Immersive
Brand Installations

EX_04: Brand Installations
Final Deadline Fee: $900.00

A single (1) or series (2-5) of installations centered around a brand, product, message, or service within a larger environment.
Experiential & Immersive
Immersive Spaces

EX_05: Immersive Spaces
Final Deadline Fee: $900.00

A single (1) or series (2-5) of large-scale immersive environments centered around a brand, product, service, or message. Includes exhibitions, trade shows, expos, pop-up stores, takeovers, etc.
Experiential & Immersive
Responsive Environments

EX_06: Responsive Environments
Final Deadline Fee: $900.00

A single (1) or series (2-5) of digital elements integrated into a new or existing physical structure, used to enhance an individual's experience of a brand, product, message, or service. Includes architecture enhancement such as projection mapping, or user-activation (environmental responses to touch, movement, light, temperature, sound, etc. caused by the user).
Experiential & Immersive
Augmented, Virtual & Mixed Reality (AR, VR, MR)

EX_07: Augmented, Virtual & Mixed Reality (AR, VR, MR)
Final Deadline Fee: $900.00

Augmented, Virtual, and Mixed Reality technology used to enhance a single (1) or series (2-5) of brand experiences.
NOTE: No special equipment will be used for judging. The required submission media must showcase the technology.
Experiential & Immersive

EX_08: Metaverse
Final Deadline Fee: $900.00

A brand's integration into the metaverse: an expansive network of lasting virtual spaces where individuals can create, explore, and interact with one another in real time. Includes marketplaces where users can buy, sell and exchange digital assets like avatars, virtual clothing, NFTs and event tickets within learning, gaming, and other experiences.
NOTE: No special equipment will be used for judging. The required submission media must showcase the experience.
Experiential & Immersive
Physical Products

EX_09: Physical Products
Final Deadline Fee: $900.00

The interaction of a user with a physical product or object centered around a brand, message, or service.
NOTE: No special equipment will be used for judging. The required submission media must showcase the product.
Experiential & Immersive
Experiential Audio

EX_10: Experiential Audio
Final Deadline Fee: $900.00

A single (1) or series (2-5) of branded audio content that triggers action from the listener. Includes proximity-based listening, user-specific content, physical world interaction, etc.
Experiential & Immersive
Customer Experience / CX

EX_11: Customer Experience / CX - In-Person
Final Deadline Fee: $900.00

A system (2-10) of touchpoints that define the overall perception of a brand, based on the users' interactions with it in a physical environment. May include digital elements.
Experiential & Immersive

EX_12: Commerce
Final Deadline Fee: $900.00

A single (1) or series (2-5) of temporary or permanent brand experiences utilizing physical and/or digital environments that facilitate the buying, selling, or trading of goods or services. Includes In-store experiences and displays, pop-up shops, events, sampling, etc.
Experiential & Immersive
B2B Communications

EX_13: B2B Communications
Final Deadline Fee: $900.00

A single (1) or series (2-5) of temporary or permanent brand experiences intended to communicate a message or service between businesses.
Experiential & Immersive
Experiential & Immersive for Good

EX_14: Experiential & Immersive for Good
Final Deadline Fee: $900.00

A single (1) or series (2-5) of brand experiences that creates a positive change by addressing a pressing social, environmental, or cultural challenge and that benefits a larger purpose than the brand.
Experiential & Immersive
Brand Partnerships

EX_15: Brand Partnerships
Final Deadline Fee: $900.00

Two or more brands working together to create a single (1) or series (2-5) of brand experiences.
NOTE: Entries must include all client/brand names involved in the work.
NOTE: All brands involved should also be listed under the full credits.
Experiential & Immersive

EX_16: Craft - Art Direction
Final Deadline Fee: $900.00

Communication of the overall visual appearance of a single (1) or series (2-5) of brand experiences.

EX_17: Craft - Use of Technology
Final Deadline Fee: $900.00

New or existing digital technologies applied to a single (1) or series (2-5) of experiential work. Includes the use of AI technologies.

EX_18: Craft - Storytelling
Final Deadline Fee: $900.00

The integration of words, visuals, and audio within a single (1) or series (2-5) of brand experiences to tell a story.

EX_19: Craft - Use of Sound
Final Deadline Fee: $900.00

The use of audio within a single (1) or series (2-5) of brand experiences. Includes sound design, sound effects, music, etc.

EX_20: Craft - Data Visualization
Final Deadline Fee: $900.00

Creative visual representation of data that responds to a user's input in real time within a single (1) or series (2-5) of brand experiences.
Experiential & Immersive

EX_21: Innovation - New Ideas in Experiential & Immersive
Final Deadline Fee: $900.00

A single (1) or series (2-5) of brand experiences that explore new or transformative ideas and concepts that push the discipline forward.
NOTE: Entries must include a written explanation of the innovative and transformative aspects of the concept and idea behind the project.
NOTE: Innovative techniques in execution or use of media should be entered into Innovation categories EX_22: Execution or EX_23: Use of Media.

EX_22: Innovation - Execution in Experiential & Immersive
Final Deadline Fee: $900.00

A single (1) or series (2-5) of brand experiences that explore new techniques, devices, or methods in implementation that push the discipline forward.
NOTE: Entries must include a written explanation of the innovative and transformative aspects of the techniques used in execution.
NOTE: Innovative concepts and ideas or use of media should be entered into Innovation categories EX_21: New Ideas or EX_23: Use of Media.

EX_23: Innovation - Use of Media in Experiential & Immersive
Final Deadline Fee: $900.00

A single (1) or series (2-5) of brand experiences that explore creative placement, positioning, timing, or other innovative use of media to reach the target audience and push the discipline forward.
NOTE: Entries must include a written explanation of the innovative and transformative aspects of the media use and placement.
NOTE: Innovative concepts and ideas or techniques in execution should be entered into Innovation categories EX_21: New Ideas or EX_22: Execution.


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