DISCIPLINE The general area of practice under which categories are organized. The One Show covers more than 20 disciplines.
CATEGORY / SUBCATEGORY Divisions within a discipline, grouped by media type and other common characteristics. Multiple Subcategories may be listed within a Category.
NOTE: The term "Category" often includes the "Subcategory" information.
CLIENT TYPE The type of client that commissioned the work.
NOTE: Available options are Consumer / Brand, Business to Business, Corporate Social Responsibility, and Non-Profit.
PRIMARY CREDIT The one (1) company that led the project and should be listed at the top of the credits. If multiple companies should be listed at the top, entrants may include them in the "Secondary Credits" section.
NOTE: The company listed as Primary will be published under the "Agency" heading, with the Secondary companies at the top of the online archives listing.
SECONDARY CREDITS Up to three (3) companies that worked on the project and should be listed at the top of the credits, with the Primary company. The lead company should be credited in the "Primary Credit" section.
NOTE: Companies listed as Secondary will be published with the Primary company under the "Agency" heading at the top of the online archives listing.
PLEASE NOTE: Primary and Secondary credits will split rankings points. For more details, see the rankings page.
FULL CREDITS All companies and individual creatives who worked on the project can be added to the "Full Credits" section.
NOTE: These credits will be published in the online archives.
COMPANY CREDIT TYPE When adding Company Credits, entrants can select from a list of Company Types.
Options include Agency, Brand-Side / In-House Agency, Client / Brand, Design Firm, Digital Agency, Media Agency, PR / Marketing Agency, Publisher, Agency In-House Production Company, Production Company, Music / Sound Production Company, Post Production Company, Freelancer.
NOTE: If a company is credited with a type of "Other" it will not be ranked.
INDIVIDUAL CREDIT TITLE When adding Individual Credits, entrants can select from a list of creative credit Titles.
NOTE: If an individual is credited with a title of "Other" they will not be ranked.
PLEASE NOTE: Credits are listed in a default order by title/type, which is not adjustable.
SINGLE A single piece of work that may or may not be part of a campaign.
SERIES Multiple pieces of work that are part of the same campaign. Specifics can vary between categories.
NOTE: Two pieces may be entered as a Series.
SINGLE OR SERIES Either a single piece of work or a series of multiple pieces of work. Specifics can vary between categories.
NOTE: Two pieces may be entered as a Series.
OPEN / DRAFT ENTRIES Entries that have been started in the system, but have not been submitted for judging are considered "Open." Open entries will not be eligible for judging until they have been closed by clicking the "proceed to payment" button during checkout.
CLOSED / SUBMITTED ENTRIES After clicking the "proceed to payment" button during checkout, entries are considered "Closed." Closed entries have been submitted for judging.
VERIFICATION FORM A document confirming the print or air date of the work, to meet the eligibility requirements for entry.
INVOICE / PAYMENT FORM This is a documentation of the financial summary of your entries. This will only include the entries you have "proceeded to payment" with during checkout.
ENTRY LIST This is an itemized list of the entries that were submitted together within a specific invoice.
ENTRY SHOWCASE The Entry Showcase is an option to publicly share your work online. Sharing entries in the showcase is not required.
NOTE: Your entry will not be judged from the showcase.
FINALIST A Finalist has won either a Pencil or Merit award. The One Show will be releasing a list of all of the Finalists in April 2024. The specific type of award will be publicly revealed at The One Show award announcement in late May.
NOTE: All Finalists must verify the authenticity of the work, or will forfeit their award.
FINALIST CONFIRMATIONS All Finalists will be notified of their award by email, at which time they will be required to confirm that all information related to their winning entries is complete and accurate. Finalist Confirmations must be submitted to ensure that the correct information is included in awards presentations and the online awards archive.
SUBMISSION MEDIA The material and content that the jury will review and score.
NOTE: See the list below for specific types of media that can be submitted.
JUDGING MEDIA The primary material and content that the jury will be judging.
NOTE: See the list below for specific types of media that can be submitted.
SUPPORTING MEDIA The secondary material and content that the jury may choose to review at their discretion.
NOTE: See the list below for specific types of media that can be submitted.
REFERENCE IMAGES All entries require high resolution digital images. These images will be used for reference but will not be judged.
MEDIA Media includes digital images, videos, audio files, URLs or PDFs submitted with entries.
VIDEO Moving Image media submitted with an entry. Categories may accept a variety of videos including Case Studies, Content Videos, Cut-Downs/Trailers, Behind the Scenes Videos, or Demos.
BEHIND THE SCENES / MAKING OF VIDEO A video that provides background information on how a project was made. It should focus on the techniques and process of creating the work.
CASE STUDY VIDEO A video that provides an explanation of the project. It should focus on the IDEA of the project and the creative execution. These videos may also include cultural background, explanation, and results.
CONTENT VIDEO A video with content as it was originally aired. Content Videos contain no extraneous information and should not include background, explanation, or results.
CUT-DOWN VIDEO / TRAILER A video providing a summary of the content in a longer piece. Cut-downs and Trailers contain no extraneous information and should not include background, explanation, or results, but rather provide the viewer with a preview of what is contained in the longer piece.
NOTE: Categories that accept Cut-Downs or Trailers will also accept a URL to the Full-Length piece.
DEMO VIDEO A video showcasing or demonstrating a product. This includes unboxing, products in use, screen records of digital sites or apps, and other presentations of digital or physical work.
IMAGE Still or static graphics submitted with an entry. Categories may accept a variety of images including Artwork Images, Installation Images, Project Boards, or In-Situ Images.
NOTE: Animated graphics should be submitted as Video or Animated Gifs.
ARTWORK IMAGE An image with content as it was originally placed. Artwork Images contain no extraneous information and should not include background, explanation, or results.
INSTALLATION IMAGE These images show the work as it was placed and the surrounding environment. Also referred to as "in situ". i.e. An image of a poster installed in a bus shelter, or a billboard on the side of a highway.
PROJECT BOARD A composite of multiple images and information that provides an explanation of the project. It should focus on the IDEA of the project and the creative execution. These composites may also include cultural background, explanation, and results.
NOTE: All information should be large enough to be seen from a distance when projected or on a small monitor.
REFERENCE IMAGES All entries require high res digital images. These images will be used for reference but will not be judged.
AUDIO A file containing only audio with content as it was originally aired.
ANIMATED GIF Animated graphics, usually short in length, illustrating dynamic or moving graphics.
NOTE: Gif files are only accepted if animated. Still or static graphics should be submitted as jpeg or png files.
URL TO WEBSITE The web address of an active site submitted for judging with an entry.
NOTE: Landing pages to case study information are accepted.
URL TO FULL LENGTH PIECE The web address of the full version of a long form video hosted online.
NOTE: URLs to Full Length Pieces should go directly to the hosted video.
SUPPORTING APP DOWNLOAD LINK A URL that directly links to downloading a mobile application.
NOTE: Specific categories may accept an app download link as Supporting Media for an entry, but judges are not required to install the product for judging.
PDF Digital multi-page content containing images, graphics, and copy.
PUBLICATION PDF A digital version of a physical mutli-page publication. This includes submissions for booklets, brochures, books, magazines, and other publications.
NOTE: Publication PDFs may also be submitted for digital publications.
PHYSICAL MATERIALS Flat or dimensional printed materials. Includes items such as posters, apparel, promotional items, publications, etc.
NOTE: Physical materials may only be submitted for select Design categories.
VERTICAL MARKET The specific industry to which the product or service relates. When entering your work, you may select from the Vertical Market options listed below.
CONSUMER PACKAGED GOODS / FOOD / CANDY / SNACKS Includes any fast-moving edible items sold in stores; foods that get used up and have to be replaced frequently
CONSUMER SERVICES Includes services that do not involve the production of tangible goods (i.e., landscaping, moving, consulting, storage, couriers)
DURABLE CONSUMER GOODS / HOME APPLIANCES Consumer products that do not have to be purchased frequently that are made to last for an extended period of time (typically more than three years)
HEALTH / WELLNESS / PHARMACEUTICALS Includes medication and preventive care, medical facilities, etc.
Work created for not-for-profit organizations should be entered in the Non-Profit vertical
HOUSEHOLD GOODS / CLEANING PRODUCTS Goods and products used to maintain a household (i.e., paint, gardening supplies, kitchen utensils)
RETAIL Any store that sells products to the public other than restaurants